


9/25に勤め先のmeetupイベント(Kyash meetup #3)で人生初の英語LTに挑戦しました。

このmeetupの今回テーマは 「人生」 で、それぞれが自分の人生についてざっくばらんに話すというものでした。

自分の発表タイトルは 「英語×エンジニアの可能性について」 というタイトルで、スライドは日本語で作りましたが発表は英語で挑戦しました。


meetup 前日






スライドにも記載しましたが、留学前はTOEIC400点前後。これも運が良かったレベルなので実際は300点台です。もちろん話せない、聞けないので ほんと英語がニガテという状態







Where is your video?












See you next time :-)


Hello everyone.
Today I talk about possibility of English and engineer skill.


I’d like to introduce myself.
My name is Masayuki Nakano please call me Masa.
I’m 30 years old. I’m an infrastructure Engineer at Kyash inc. I have worked here for 2 years.
I like AWS especially ECS, Autoscaling, IAM role. I need IAM role for my life.


I’d like to talk three topics.
First, about study abroad to The Philippines.
Second, about Foreign engineers were active in Kyash inc. 
Third, I tell you modest tips about English. 


I went to study abroad to The Philippines from May through August.


I’d like to talk to detail about study abroad.
Actually, I talked about study abroad to CEO before I join this company.
I want to study abroad to the Philippines.


2 years later.
I’m going to study abroad with my wife.


In fact, my TOEIC score is 400 but it is so lucky because I couldn’t finish part7. I didn’t  have enough time. That’s why, almost part7 like this AABDC. 
And then, I can’t speak English and listen everything.
I couldn’t remember general verb and be verb. What is that?


In fact, I could’t communicate with my English teacher because my TOEIC score was 400.


Even thought I studied TOEIC I have doubt to communicate with foreign people.


My English teacher said 「Hey brother speaking skill is very important than TOEIC. You should practice speaking skill. Because communication skill is important.」


My goal changed. I want to get used speaking English and want to do easy conversation.


Because TOEIC doesn’t include speaking and writing. But TOEIC SW include speaking and writing. If you need speaking and writing skill I suggest this examination or IELTS.


This is my English skill after study abroad.
I think kind of get used speaking English.
I tried Rarejob’s test. My Rarejob level is level 4. I can use English for sightseeing.


Go back in time…


When I joined Kyash inc. Kyash had a lot of foreign people.


A lot of foreign engineer joined Kyash inc.
CEO can speak English very well That’s why he build good relationship with foreign engineer.
Of course, they has empathy our product.


I think then.


If I had good Engineering skill and English skill I can go to work abroad.


But what is English skill?


I think English skill is communication by English.


If I had good engineering skill and communication skill by English I can go to work abroad.
It is amazing, right?


I think English skill is communication skill by English. Reading, writing skill are important also speaking and listening skill.
As you know, English is used in the world. If you had good communication skill you can go to the world!


This is final part.
I’d like to talk some tips.
I recommend this book. If you were interested in work abroad you should read it.
Because this book has good tips.


I like this application. You can talk to foreign people with this application.
When I lived in the Philippines I always used it.
Of course it is free.


I like this service.
Voicy has many personality. You can chose many channel especially her channel is so exciting because she can speak English very well.
If you wanted to improve listening skill I recommend this channel.


Finally, continuity is the father of success is my motto.


Thank you for listen to my lightning talk.
Thank you so much.
